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General FreeSpace QuestionsWhat is FreeSpace?When is FreeSpace 3 coming out? How about we get the community together and write our own FS3? What is FS2_Open? What is the SCP? Where can I get FreeSpace 1 or FreeSpace 2? Surely downloading FreeSpace elsewhere is legal? It's Abandonware! I've completed FS1/FS2. Are there any other missions I can play? Where can I find other people who like FreeSpace? I love the music. How can I listen to it outside of the game? I want to make my own missions and my own ships. Can I do that? What is FreeSpace?I doubt they'll be many people who come here who don't know what FreeSpace is but for the unenlightened FreeSpace 1 and 2 are quite possibly the finest examples of the space combat sim ever made. Like several other games in the genre (Wing Commander, Tachyon, Starlancer) FreeSpace went with a "aeroplanes in space" flight model rather than realistic Newtonian physics. You can read up more on the games from their official websitesWhen is FreeSpace 3 coming out?Without a doubt this is probably the most common question asked by people entering the FreeSpace community. They see how brilliant FS1 and FS2 were and they find it hard to believe that FS3 isn't already available for people to play. I can't say I blame them. I found it hard to believe myself but the main reason FS3 isn't out already is because FS2 didn't sell that well.Despite widespread critical acclaim the sales of FS2 compared to FS1 were actually quite poor. The community puts this fact squarely at the feet of FreeSpace's publisher, Interplay. Quite frankly FreeSpace 2 was hardly advertised at all so it's hardly surprising that it didn't sell. Rumour has it that Interplay released a Star Trek based game at about the same time as FS2 and descided not to advertise FS2 very heavily for fear of hurting the sales of that game. Volition, (Simply known as [V] by the fans), the makers of FreeSpace later struck a deal with another publisher THQ and no longer work for Interplay but Interplay retained the rights to FreeSpace. The really annoying thing about this is that [V] have made several statements that show their programmers are willing to do a third FreeSpace game but can't since Interplay hold the licenses and THQ prefer to own the rights to any games they make. The FreeSpace community has tried various methods to bring
about FS3 including petitions and mailings to [V] and Interplay. None
of these have had much of an effect because since FreeSpace 2 didn't do
very well so Interplay doesn't wish to stick their neck out and hire
someone to write a third. A while back an announcement by Derek Smart (creator of the
BattleCruiser 3000 series) that he was attempting to purchase the
licence caused widespread consternation amongst the community. The
quality of his other games, the attitude with which he treated the
community when suggesting this and the fact that he showed no intention
of asking [V] what they had planned for the storyline of FS3 left the
community up in arms. Fortunately the situation appears to have
normalised since then with Derek Smart deciding to leave FreeSpace
alone and make up his own universe instead. While the occasional juicy titbit from [V] or Interplay (The
fact that Interplay has been hovering near bankruptcy for the past two
years for instance) occasionally stirs interest the general consensus
of the community is to not mention FS3 at all unless there is something
new to say about it. Comments about FS3 are generally unpopular amongst
the veterans because we've seen them all before. If you have something
new to contribute people will generally receive it politely but posting
questions about FS3 that we've all seen a hundred times before
generally results in a terse answer and a link to this site or the Wiki
at best. How about we get the community together and write our own FS3?After questions about FS3's release date this is one of the sorest points in the community. Posting a topic like this on one of the FreeSpace boards is actually more likely to get you insulted than simply asking when FS3 is coming out. While that question is merely naive this one carries a rather subtle insult. After all if the solution is so simple wouldn't the community have to be idiots not to have thought of it before? The fact is that the idea has been brought up several times before. It came up again shortly after the FS2 source code was released because for the first time not only could we make a new story for FS3 but also improve the engine to do it. The idea was rejected then for several reasons and continues to be rejected every time it comes up for many of the same ones.
What is FS2_Open? What is the SCP?From the time it became apparent that there would be no FS3
the most repeated complaint the community had was that Volition
wouldn't release the source code so that the community could work on it
themselves Where can I get FreeSpace 1 or FreeSpace 2?Freespace 1 & 2 are both available for download from Good Old Games for a small sum of money. If you're lucky you might be able to pick it up cheaper on eBay or a computer store bargin bin but the only certain method of getting hold of the game legally if from GoG and thus it gets my thumbs up.Surely downloading FreeSpace elsewhere is legal? It's Abandonware!No it isn't legal. I've seen several kinds of justifications for downloading the game but most of them had flaws.
My View - I have always subcribed to the view that it is a bigger crime to let FS2 fade away than to offer it up for download. However now that there is a legal download available the danger of it fading away is much smaller. I want Good Old Games to do well out of offering FS2 for download because this is exactly the sort of thing games companies should have been doing with their back catalogues for years. So as long as GoG or some other company is offering a legal download of the game I'm going to keep supporting them. I've completed FS1/FS2. Are there any other missions I can play?FS2 never had any official add-ons. FS1 had Silent Threat which is about as hard to find as the original FS1 (they are usually sold together in the US). Unfortunately Silent Threat is generally considered by most to be a great idea rather poorly implemented. However, [V] had the foresight to ship both FS1 & FS2 with the mission editor that they had used to make the games. Thanks to FRED we have a huge number of add on missions and even entire campaigns available for FreeSpace 1 and 2. Due to the ease of use of FRED some of these missions are as good as if not better than the official ones that came with both games.You can find most of these campaigns by having a look through Skippy's FS2 Campaigns list My personal recommendation from the list is Homesick (or Transcend if you are on FS2_Open) although many prefer Derelict (or it's SCP Remix) to it. Obviously only the ones with a demo or release available are playable. The rest are there so you can salivate about upcoming campaigns. One of the best sites to get single missions was the Volition Watch Archives. Sadly VW has closed its doors. Although the archives are up at the time of writing they may be down or have moved by the time you click on the link. If multiplayer is your bag you can get tons of new missions from FRED zone. If you play multiplayer a lot it is worth picking them up from here in one go rather than waiting for them to xfer when you play online as this way you won't keep everyone waiting while the mission downloads for you.(In fact it's a good idea to do this even if you don't play much. The other players will be much happier if you show this courtesy before you go online). Where can I find other people who like FreeSpace? There are 3 main FreeSpace related sites at the moment. Hard Light Productions (HLP)
is the biggest site of them all, much bigger than the other two
FreeSpace sites put together in fact. Originally started as a site
dedicated to modding for FreeSpace HLP has evolved into the
FreeSpace site. If you only join one forum it pretty much has to be HLP
unless you're really attracted to one of the campaigns on the other
sites. Because it's the biggest site HLP tends to be the best place to
ask technical questions as it's more likely that someone there will
know the answer. HLP is the location of the FreeSpace Wiki,
the communities knowledge base and also hosts the SCP (basically making
it the place to go to with FS2_Open questions). (It's also the best
place to find me to tell me to update the FAQ\fix errors or just give
me some feedback). SectorGame
on the other hand is a lot more relaxed than HLP. Since it has a much
smaller user base than HLP SectorGame has more of a members club
feeling than HLP as the people on the board tend to know each other
quite well. That said everyone is generally quite welcoming to new
people. One good thing about SectorGame is that everyone on the board
tends to have a fair bit of knowledge about FS2 as most of the members
have been in the community for years. Game Warden
is the newest of the big 3. Although only a few months old at the time
of writing GW has already attracted a fairly large number of hosted
campaigns. Game Warden is something of a total conversions board as
quite a large percentage of the projects hosted there are not based in
the FreeSpace universe. Mods like the StarGate, StarFox and BattleStar
Galactica 2003 mod have their homes on Game Warden which means that it
has a larger percentage of people on it who don't know the FreeSpace
universe as well (although they do know how to mod the game). There are
several FreeSpace universe campaigns based there too though. SCP Forums - The second home of the SCP. The coders tend to hang out either here or on HLP. There is a good deal of technical knowledge available here and a strong mac and linux contingent too which only HLP can equal. I love the music. How can I listen to it outside of the game?One way is to download VPView
and search through the .vp files yourself. That way you can listen to
and extract any files you like. There are cleaned up versions of some
of the tracks on FreeSpace Watch and HLP The Media VPs that come with FS2_Open also include better versions of the music too. I want to make my own missions and my own ships. Can I do that?The FRED Questions Section of the FAQ should give you all the information you need to get started making your own missions. The modding section covers new weapons, ships and effects. |